Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Two Dates in One Day? Really?

Lest you think that every single entry of this blog will be a documentation of my ongoing humiliation/rejection, I am happy to report that I met not one, but TWO very nice women today courtesy of Craigslist. I know, amazing, right?

Date #1 was a coffee date. Now, I'm not a huge fan of coffee, and meeting at a Starbucks may not be the most original idea, but hey, baby steps, right?

For those of you who know me (which would be no one at this point, unless I have readers I'm not aware of), you know that in person I can be...nervous. Especially if I'm meeting someone for the first time. That's just how I'm wired. I'm keenly aware of this nervousness and do my best to get through it. In the past I would have received liquid courage in the form of booze, but those days are long behind me. Now, I just have to step outside of my comfort zone and make the effort. It's hard. I live in my head a lot of the time, which makes socializing a challenge.

Still, I think date #1 went well. Not really a date, I suppose, more like a pre-date. At the end she asked if I'd want to meet up again and I said, sure!

Now, date! This was more a "real" date in the sense that we met for dinner and I, being of that generation (i.e. OLD) paid for dinner, because that's how I roll. Did I say wow? I really enjoyed date #2 for several reasons, chief among them the fact that we share a passion for writing. Also: damn good Thai food! Yum.

There is a tentative plan for a date #3 this coming weekend. Crossing fingers. I suppose, in the very least, even if there wasn't a date #3 I know that the possibility exists for actually meeting someone. It may take a lot of time. "Good things come to he who waits" as the old saying goes, and I've been waiting a long damn time. Good things: I'm looking at you.


  1. 2 dates in one day!? check you out :) how exciting!!!

  2. Well, it was exciting, although the woman I went out with for dinner stopped e-mailing me and I haven't heard from her since Monday.
